Friday 11 September 2015

Deaths-head Hawk-moth Larvae

4-5 Death's-head Hawkmoth larvae found on potatoes in back garden in Leafield, West Oxfordshire (VC23) over the last week. I went over to have a look yesterday thanks to Mary Elford contacting me (thank you Mary, much appreciated) and brought back two larvae, one about to pupate the other still munching away and discovered (unscathed) by the owners' cat. The rest had already gone down to pupate. Hopefully they will successfully pupate etc and I can release them back in Leafield next year :). Fantastic beasts! Marc Botham.

Deaths-head Hawk-moth larvae, Leafield 10-09-15


  1. I think our cat would simply have run away :)

  2. Oooh hooray hooray! Happy memories of Kirtlington last year. Alas, all our potato plants have died back. Must plant a later crop next year


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